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Online Safety

Report a Concern

This section of our website will provide you with links to really useful advice on how to be careful when you use the internet and some great tips to keep safe.  If you are worried about anything you, or your child, see online or people are asking you questions about where you live or saying nasty things to you please speak to a member of staff or follow any of the links below for help and advice. If you would like to report anything that you are worried about, please click on the ‘Report a Concen’ image.

Children are growing up in a world with a bigger range of online activities than ever before and it is sometimes very hard for both children and adults to know how to stay safe.

Online Safety Information

Online safety advice for our pupils is delivered through an ongoing programme linked closely with our PSHE curriculum. Most situations that pose a risk in the online world have a similar experience within the face to face world as well. So we link these together and give pupils advice on how to avoid cetain situations and also what to do if they do arise. We also use Be Internet Legends resources that use the five areas of staying safe when online.

  • Be Sharp – Think before you share.
  • Be Alert – Check it’s for real.
  • Be Secure – Protect your stuff.
  • Be Kind – Respect each other.
  • Be Brave – When in doubt, discuss.

Our Online Safety Agreement can be found here.

Most parents will want to reduce the risks to their children, and remembering to set parental controls can reduce the risks to children, and reduce the risk to parents when children accidentally spend online money!   The Internet Matters website explains this quite well. Online safety is not just about protecting children from some of the dangers of the internet – it is also about helping them manage their use of technology and most of the parental controls allow adults to set a maximum time for the use of a device or app.

The NSPCC  have a great support information site to provide advice to parents and have a free helpline on 0808 800 5000.

For the youngest children being tricked into sharing pictures can be an issue.  LGfL have produced a video which has some great advice and a very catchy song!

Many children will at times suffer from online bullying.  It is really important that they have someone they can talk to and know that it is not acceptable.  Most apps and sites will have systems inn place that allow bullying to be reported.  Your child’s school may be able to help.

Children can call Childline on 0800 1111  for advice on anything that is worrying them.

Finally since 2015 is has been a criminal offence for an adult to send a message with sexual content to a child (This is Section  67  of  the  Serious  Crime  Act  2015).   If you are concerned that this might have happened please contact The Police without further using the device.  This will help ensure that evidence can be preserved.  The Police can be contacted by phone or from the CEOP website.

To support our pupils, we send out a monthly online safety newsletter. If parents have any issues that they feel would benefit sharing wider, then please contact the school and we will address those important issues within newsletters and in school.

Useful Guides

Here are some useful guides for using different ‘apps’ and devices.

There is increasing research showing the harmful effects of using screens either too much or at the wrong times of the day, and night. Here is some research to give us more information about this important and developing topic.

Online Safety Newsletters

Septemeber 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
October 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
November 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
December 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
January 2025 Online Safety Newsletter

Digital Parenting

The company Vodaphone produce useful resources about how to help you make the right choices for your family.

Vodaphone Digital Parenting 

More details of our Online Safety can be found in our policy.

Link to School Policies

Parent Zone

Parent Zone provides useful informations for us to support our young people when they are online. They have regular video discussions which have very practical tips and strategies to give that support.

Online Platforms that we use

  • Schools Information Management System (SIMS)
  • Parent Mail (our main communication process)
  • Parent Pay (for financial transactions)
  • Cypad (to assist with the menu choices at lunchtime)
  • Tapestry (to provide evidence of learning in EYFS)
  • Google Workspace (for curriculum delivery)
  • Accelerated Reader (to monitor reading progress)
  • Lexia (to develop phonic skills)
  • Spelling Shed (to develop spelling)
  • Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots (to develop core maths skills)
  • Junior Librarian (to enable books to be loaned from the library)
  • Spag.com (to develop grammar curriculum)
  • Swimphony (to monitor progress in swimming)
  • Kodable (to teach coding to our Key Stage 1 pupils)
  • Scratch (to teach coding to our Key Stage 2 pupils)

National Survey about Online Safety

The London Grid for Learning carried out a survey of pupils attitudes and needs for using online safely. This is a video that reports on some of the findings. A very worthwhile and thought-provoking piece of research.

Hopes and Streams Video Report

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