Parent Pay
We are, largely, a cashless school. Most payments are done through the Parent Pay app. Details for using this system can be found using this guide.
Once your child begins attendance at Red Rose, you will recieve a letter explaining the activation process which is linked to the email address that you provide us with.
Payments can be for items, such as School lunches and trips. Items of School uniform can be purchased from our supplier, The School Outfit, more information on how to purchase school uniform can be found here.
ParentMail App
We have a communication app – ParentMail which we use to send email messages out to parents. Please contact the office for more details about how to set up the ParentMail app. This is our main way of contacting parents for school messages. The Parent Mail app can be downloaded from Apple Store or Play Store and this is where you will register to recieve communcations from us.
Information and help about Parent Mail can also be found on the Parent Mail web page.
Any issues with either Parent Pay or Parent Mail, please call in to the office.