
Tel: 0191 388 6251 | Email: redrose@durhamlearning.net | Contact Us

Welcome to Red Rose
Primary School

Aim High
Be Proud!

A message from our Head Teacher

On behalf of the children, staff and governing body, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Red Rose Primary School, Chester-le-Street.

Our school motto is ‘Aim High, Be Proud’ and we have a long and established reputation of providing a rich and stimulating education for our pupils.  Our values of Respect – Excellence – Determination – Responsibility – Opportunity – Support for Others – Equality. Everything we do aims to encapsulate those aims and values.

Learn about Red Rose

Values & Ethos

Find out more about our motto and our seven values. 

Key Information

Look through our key information in this section.

Ofsted Report

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.


At Red Rose Primary School, our broad curriculum can be viewed here.

School News

Our ways to stay safe when online at our Chester-le-Street school

Safer Internet Day

We are becoming increasingly aware of the many situations in which we might be exposed to scams. The first and most important thing to recognise is that falling for a scam does not make us foolish. In other crimes, victims are not expected to feel embarrassed—and...

Stay and Play with EYFS

At Red Rose Primary School, we are always looking for opportunities to invite families into school to join in with the children's learning. Last week, we were proud to invite parents and careers Into school for our Early Years  'Stay and Play', where they were given...
Fermenting yeast to test carbon dioxide production.

Science in action

In science, Year 6 have been developing their understanding of living things and their habitats. This has involved learning about different vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants (both deciduous and evergreen). This week, they have been exploring micro-organisms such...
Starlight assembly at Chester-le-Street school

Starlight Family Assembly

Starlight class performed a fantastic family assembly for parents and carers this morning! The theme was 'Kindness', in celebration of National Acts of Kindness Day, which is celebrated in February each year. One of our Red Rose core values is 'Support for Others',...

If U Care, Share

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and our school assembly went through what mental health is - our feelings, thoughts and emotions - and how it's possible to have good or bad mental health in a similar way to our physical health. We have feelings, thoughts...

School Calendar