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School Council

Our School Council is made up of representatives from each of the classes. These representatives are chosen through an election every couple of years. The current members are:


The School Council regularly meets to discuss issues that have been brought up during ‘Class Council’ meetings. Things that we have discussed over the years have included:

  • Summer Fair.
  • Charity Fund Raising.
    • Awareness of Downs’ Syndrome.
    • St Cuthbert’s Hospice.
    • MacMillan Coffee morning.
    • Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal.
    • Poppy Appeal.
    • Supported Red Nose Day.
    • Supported Children in Need.
  • Changing the school logo.
  • Introducing and developing the Golden Table – to reward good behaviour during lunchtime.
  • Comic Relief Talent Show.
  • World book day, including a character fashion show.
  • Purchased posts for use as goals on the field.
  • Designed and distributed Christmas Cards to elderly residents in our local care homes.
  • Introduced clear guidance for playing football at break and lunch time.
  • Set up an outside Reading Shed as requested during class meetings.
  • Met with MP Kevan Jones to discuss concerns about traffic outside school and on the A167.

    The current things that we are discussing are:

    • Assigning roles to our new school council members after a recent election.
    • Holding a school vote to name our new Forest School Classroom.
    • WOW The walk to school challenge – to reduce the number of cars outside of our school for pupil safety whilst also reducing pollution in our environment. 
    • Keeping lost property to a minimum in school.
    • Looking to support Rota-kids.
    • On-going discussions to improve our school and address any concerns from class council meetings.