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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

A warm welcome to our EYFS Classes page.
Our classes are Sunshine and Sunbeam classes.

The reception year is a very exciting time for both parents and children. During this year we will all work together to ensure that your child will develop a love for learning which they will carry with them for the rest of their school journeys. We provide a nurturing and exciting learning environment to give all of our children the opportunity to grow and develop into happy and confident learners. We understand that children learn best when they are interested and intrigued. 

If you have any problems or queries, no matter how small, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the team who will be happy to help you.  

To find about more about your child starting school, please take a look at our  Red Rose Starting school booklet

EYFS Staff

EYFS Staff
SunshineMiss Sweet
SunbeamMiss Thorp
SupportMrs Taylor, Mrs Kidman Fowler, Mrs Cummings, Miss Cantwell

Our Curriculum

In our reception classes, children will build on their pre-school and home experiences and take part in a wide variety of multi-sensory activities in both the inside and outdoor classrooms. Learning opportunities are planned predominately around the children’s interests, wants and needs.  This allows us to provide individualised learning for each child. We provide many practical experiences too such as forest school, baking, role play, sand and water and physical play. Alongside this there will be regular phonics, maths and reading sessions.  We provide a balance between teacher and child led activities and in addition we arrange both visits and visitors to help enrich the curriculum.

The EYFS Framework (2021) explains how and what children in our EYFS will be learning to support their development. Our EYFS pupils learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through seven areas of learning and development.

All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.

There are three prime areas which are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for helping their capacity to learn.

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

There are then four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

We will ensure that:

  • teaching and learning activities engage and motivate children to learn, and foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
  • there are focused activities to support, develop and extend children’s learning at their own pace
  • children are given opportunities to develop their own ideas, thoughts and opinions about their play activities
  • activities are extended/modified according to what the children like/find tricky
  • there are strong links between home and school
  • parental partnership in their children’s learning is recognised, valued and developed.

Teaching Overviews

Follow the links to read the EYFS Statutory Framework.

Non Statutory guidance:

Assessment in the EYFS is carried out through informal observations of the children participating in a range of activities and is recorded through ‘Tapestry’ – an online learning journal.

Please click here to find out more about Tapestry.

Forest School

At Red Rose Primary School we have been running our Forest School programme for several years.  The programme is delivered to our younger children as part of our the Early Years curriculum. For more information about the Forest School programme, please click here.  


  • Your child has received their home-reading book which will be read at least once a week with an adult in school and should also be read frequently at home. 
  • We will be assessing your child’s reading regularly and moving their reading stages accordingly. This will be based on your child’s fluency and their ability to answer comprehension questions on the text they are reading. 
  • The children will practise their reading skills within school in both their phonics lessons and whole class guided reading.

PE and Forest School

  • Detailed below are the PE days for EYFS:
  • Wednesday is PE Day.
  • Friday is Forest School Day.
  • Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE uniform on their specified PE days.
  • Long trousers and a school jumper/hoodie are to be worn for outdoor PE or Forest School.
  • Further detail regarding PE kit can be found in the School Uniform section of the website.
  • Please label your child’s PE kit and their school uniform so items are not lost within school.