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Eco Council

Eco Council

Eco Council is a group of pupils who meet to discuss eco-friendly and environmental issues within Red Rose Primary School, which prepares children to live their future lives with consideration for global issues.  It helps us as a school to appreciate the natural world and act responsibly towards our environment.  We discuss ways to reduce, recycle, and protect our environment.  The pupils put together a plan on how to raise awareness of green issues within the school.  We have recently been considering the devastating impact of climate change around the world.

A short time ago, Red Rose Primary School became a climate friendly school by taking part in a local project.  The first thing the pupils did was share information with the whole school during an assembly, to let our school know what climate change was, why it’s so bad and what we can do to help.

We had some simple steps to follow as a school

  • We established a team of pupils who were very keen to improve our school.
  • We completed a school audit to see what things we already do and what things we could help to change even further.
  • We came up with an action plan that suited Red Rose Primary School.
  • We had weekly meetings during assembly time.

Here are some of the things we did to improve our school

  • We have a school notice board to share up to date information on the environment.
  • Our Geography plans have been altered so we now learn more about the use of plastic and how it affects our environment.  
  • A climate friendly newsletter has gone out to parents.
  • Each class discussed the impact of transport and how we travel to and from school.
  • We had a uniform swap at our summer fair.
  • The Eco Council designed and made small posters to remind us to turn off lights and switches.
  • We created a fruit orchard and planted apple, pear and plum trees.
  • Our caretaker helped us reduce the water used when flushing our toilets around school.