A very warm welcome to the Lower Key Stage 2 page. These two years see the transition from Key Stage 1 into Key Stage 2.
Please find detailed below information regarding staff members working with your child, class groupings and additional information about the teaching and learning that will take place within the summer term.
As well as your child’s class teacher, there will also be some other members of staff who may work with your child this year:
- Miss Maynard (Armstrong)
- Mrs Harrison (Armstrong/Galaxy)
- Miss Williams (Galaxy)
- Mrs Carr (Apollo)
- Miss Johnson (Rosebuds)
- Teaching assistants: Mrs Cantwell.
We are all looking forward to an exciting year ahead. If there are any problems or comments, please, in the first instance, contact your child’s class teacher. If you need to speak further then please contact the office.
As you will know, there are three classes within Lower Key Stage 2. The pupils are organised across the 3 classes to allow teaching that is tailored to the needs of the pupils. This enables great support and challenge for all pupils to help them reach their potential.
Summer Term
Please find below information about the curriculum in Lower Key Stage 2:
Learning in LKS2
The learning in years 3 and 4 are summarised using the information in the links below
Galaxy Summer Term Overview
Armstrong Summer Term Overview
Apollo Summer Term Overview
Rosebuds Summer (Y4)
- Galaxy- Tuesday and Wednesday
- Armstrong- Tuesday and Thursday
- Apollo- Tuesday and Wednesday
- Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school for their PE day and that long trousers and a jumper/hoodie is brought into school for outdoor PE.
- Please label your child’s PE kit. If your child attends an after-school PE club they may wish to bring additional kit.
- Every child should have a home-reading book and should be encouraged to read every night (even if it is just one page).
- Please ensure your child’s reading log is signed once the book is complete so it can be changed within school.
- We will be assessing your child’s reading regularly and reviewing their reading stage accordingly. This will be based on your child’s fluency and their ability to answer comprehension questions on the text they are reading.
- The children will practise their reading skills within school in both their English lessons and whole class guided reading.
Visits and Visitors
- RE Visit will be on 6th January
- NUFC will be working with the children on a Friday as part of the Commando Joe’s character building programme
- Homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be completed by Monday
- There will be spellings and Arithmetic every week.
- Tasks will be set on the class ‘Google Classroom’.
To keep updated on activities that we are doing you can follow our Twitter Feed either on the right side of this page or, if you have a Twitter account, by following us on @RedRoseLKS2
Our main School Twitter handle is @RedRosePrimary
[Slideshow "lower-key-stage-2" not found]If you have anything you want to talk through, please come and discuss it with us.