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School Wellbeing Dog

School Wellbeing Dog

We are very excited to introduce you to Hugo – our school Therapy Dog.

Hugo is a Black Labrador Retriever and was born on 12th March 2021.  Hugo was born in Lancashire – the Red Rose County!  He has been living with Mrs Brinton and her family since he was 8 weeks old.  Hugo loves coming to school and seeing everyone.  He comes to school on a Thursday and Friday and his first job of the day is to greet everyone as they arrive at school.  He loves this part of the day as he gets lots of attention!  He will then spend his day working with individuals or small groups, providing emotional support, listening to readers or sleeping.  

A growing number of schools now have a school dog and are seeing many benefits.  Research has shown that having a wellbeing dog in school can:

  • Improve academic achievement
  • Increase Literacy skills
  • Calm behaviours
  • Increase social skills and self-esteem
  • Increase confidence
  • Teach responsibility and respect to all life
  • Help improve school attendance 
  • Help to motivate children who are often less focused

During the school day, Hugo remains in Mrs Brinton’s office or the school office, where he has his own safe space.  He is not allowed to walk around the school building unless under adult supervision on a lead.

Please read our School Dog Policy to see our reasons for having a therapy dog as well as frequently asked questions: