First Aid
We have a number of fully trained First Aiders who are able to deal with incidents that occur at school. As pupils are admitted to the school, we ask for consent to give emergency medication and apply First Aid.
Head Bump Text
You may on occasion receive a text from school notifying you that your child has received a minor bump to the head, the text contains a link for you to click on that takes you directly to the NHS Website for guidance for Head Injury and Concussion information.
Please note parents/carers are contacted immediately if further medical intervention may be required.
Pre-existing medical conditions
We have a robust system of working with parents and pupils to support any medical conditions. Information is gathered from parents as to conditions that pupils may have and a Individual Health Care Plan is put in place. We ask that parents contact the school if a child has any changes to their medical needs.
Medical Dietary Requirements
Chartwells are the provider for our school meals and we work closely with them in terms of Medical Diets. Please complete a Medical Diet Request Form and return with medical evidence to the school office if your child has a medical diet requirement. The school office will then inform you when your child can start school lunches. Chartwells will need time to complete the diet and ensure that our kitchen has the provisions in place. The relevant form can be found on our downloadable forms page or directly from the school office.
Should you wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Should you wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact the school office.