At Red Rose Primary School we use a variety of online curriculum support activities. These cover a range of literacy, numeracy and ICT activities. As the pupils are required or encouraged to use them, they will be given instructions on how to get the best out of the online activities. Some of these will be additional to their curriculum, but sometimes it will be part of their work or homework. As always with IT provision, pupils who are unable to access the internet at home will be able to use computers during break, lunch or after-school (at homework club). As these activities are all ‘web-based’, they can be easily access from computers, tablets and often even smart-phones. For more information on this, including access at school, please contact your child’s teacher or the office.
Accessing the platforms can be done by logging into the Google Classroom. There are login buttons at the top of this website. If you need further instructions these are outlined below. Platforms that we use include:
- Times Table Rock Stars (Key Stage 2).
- Numbots (Key Stage 1).
- Google Classroom.
- Spelling Shed.
- Accelerated Reader
Using a Chromebook
When you login to a Chromebook, use the username that you have been given; along with the password – this will give you access as if you are using the Chromebooks in school. You will probably need to add on to your username.
Using Windows, Apple or Android
When using a Windows PC, laptop, tablet or a Mac, it is best to download the Google Chrome app. When you login to chrome follow these steps ….
Click on the person icon in the top right corner.
Choose Turn on Sync.
Login with your Google username and password.
Don’t forget to add to your username.
This should then load up all your links and passwords for you to use.
Fuller details of how to access our Google Workspace are in this document: Help for Logging in to the Google Workspace. Once you are logged in with your account, you can then access the oneline actvities either from the Online Activities bookmarks in the top left corner of the window or using the classrooms below.

Report a Concern
If you are worried about anything you see online or people are asking you questions about where you live or saying nasty things to you please speak to your parents or teacher. If you would like to report anything that you are worried about online, please click on the image.
Our most recent online activity is Numbots.
The creators of Times Tables Rock Stars have produced Numbots for boosting addition and subtraction skills. Numbots is an online game playable at or through the NumBots app. It is aimed at boosting addition and subtraction skills and when played little and often, will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have. Here is a parents’ guide. Also, here is some help on the tasks that the pupls will be asked to do.
Different Key Stages will use a slightly different mix of online activities. To access the programmes, choose the correct key stage virtual classroom below and then select the programme you wish to use.