A very warm welcome to the Upper Key Stage 2 page. These two years see the culmination of the primary phase of education for the pupils.
Please find detailed below information regarding staff members working with your child, class groupings and additional information about the teaching and learning that will take place within the spring term.
As well as your child’s class teacher, there will also be some other members of staff who may work with your child this year:
- Mr Oliver-Elliott (Discovery)
- Mrs Thomas (Mission)
- Miss Page (NASA)
- Mrs Patterson (Lunar)
- Miss Johnson (Lunar)
- Teaching assistants: Mrs Jennings, Mrs Appleby, Mrs Kidman-Fowler
We are all looking forward to an exciting year ahead. If there are any problems or comments, please, in the first instance, contact your child’s class teacher. If you need to speak further then please contact the office.
Our year 5 classes are NASA and Lunar. Our Year 6 classes are Discovery and Mission.
Summer Term
Please find below information about the curriculum in Upper Key Stage 2:
Learning in Year 5 and 6
Our learning in the summer term is summarised using the links below.
Y5 Summer Term Overview
Y6 Summer Term Overview
Rosebuds (Y5)
- Year 6’s PE days are on a Monday and Friday.
- Year 5’s PE days are Monday and Friday.
- Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school for their PE day and that long trousers and a jumper/hoodie is brought into school for outdoor PE. For this term, pupils should come to school wearing heir PE kit on these days.
- Please label your child’s PE kit.
- Every child should have a home-reading book and should be encouraged to read every night (even if it is just a couple of pages).
- Your child will be keeping their reading record updated as they read during the week..
- We will be assessing your child’s reading regularly and moving their reading stages accordingly. This will be based on your child’s fluency and their ability to answer comprehension questions on the text they are reading.
- The children will practise their reading skills within school in both their English lessons and whole class guided reading.
Visits and Visitors
Year 6
- Nissan Visit – Wednesday 26th April
- Coronation Picnic – Friday 5th May
- SPaG SAT Paper – Tuesday 9th May
- Reading SAT Paper – Wednesday 10th May
- Maths SATS Papers 1 & 2 – Thursday 11th May
- Maths SAT Paper 3 – Friday 12th May
- Quidditch Festival – Tuesday 20th June
- Enterprise Week – w/c 12th June
- Y6 Residential Visit – Wednesday 28th – Friday 30th June
- Y6 Leavers Assembly – Friday 14th July
Year 5
- Coronation Picnic
- Sponsored Toddle
- KS2 Quidditch
- Sports Day
- Homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be completed by Monday
- There will be spellings and Arithmetic every week.
- All the tasks will be listed on the Google classroom for the year group.
To keep updated on activities that we are doing you can follow our Twitter Feed either on the right of this page or, if you have a Twitter account by following us on @RedRoseUKS2
Our main School Twitter handle is @RedRosePrimary
[Slideshow "upper-key-stage-2" not found]Please find information about the upcoming National Curriculum assessments.This is a reviosed leafelt for this year 2023.
Information for parents – 2023 National Curriculum Tests
You can pause the presentation to look at it at your leisure.
Maths Revision
To help with maths calculations, please use this guide to everything maths! – Click here to access it