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Our School Uniform

School Uniform

At Red Rose Primary School, we believe that the wearing of uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and setting an appropriate tone.  Our children wear their uniform with pride, promoting equality and a sense of community.  We ask that everyone; children, parents and carers help to ensure that the school dress code is always observed.

School Uniform

  • red jumper or cardigan
  • white or red polo shirt or white shirt/blouse
  • grey or black skirt/ trousers / shorts (Leggings are not allowed)
  • red checked dress (summer)


  • Plain black leather or leather style shoes which can be polished.
  • Trainers are not allowed.

PE Kit

  • plain white T-shirt
  • black/navy shorts (no logos)
  • plimsoles or trainers
  • plain black/navy leggings or tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE (no logos)
  • Grey Red Rose PE hoodie (optional)

Our aim is to deliver 2 sessions of PE each week.  PE kits are worn to school on the appropriate days. You can find our the days for your child in the Our Classes section of the site.

School Uniform Policy


  • Jewellery should not be worn for school for health and safety reasons and is actively discouraged.
  • If necessary, a small pair of plain studs can be worn when ears are first pierced but should be removed as soon as possible and micropore tape should be provided by parents to cover earrings during the school day.
  • A watch may be worn
  • Nail varnish should not be worn for school.


  • Haircuts should not be less that a grade ‘one’
  • Hair should not be coloured
  • No extreme hairstyles or tramlines are allowed.

Purchase of Uniform

  • Generic uniform can be purchased from any high street school uniform retailer.
  • We have partnered with The School Outfit to provide good quality school uniform with our logo.  The uniform can be purchased at any time throughout the year – please see the link below taking you directly to their website.

Your uniform can be purchased from The School Outift. The link is below. A guide for sizes is included on their website.

Red Rose Uniform at The School Outfit


  • We have also arranged for two shops in Chester-le-Street: the British Heart Foundation and St. Cuthbert’s Hospice – to stock pre-worn uniform.
  • Please feel free to buy Red Rose uniform at either of these shops or to donate any good quality, pre-loved uniform to them to benefit other members of our school community.

All clothing should be marked with a name-tape or similar.
Please label your child’s possessions including shoes and socks to avoid confusion and upset when property is lost.

Lost property is kept in the cloakroom until the end of each half-term. However, because of the sheer volume of unclaimed and unnamed clothing, this is disposed of during the half-term holiday.  This usually includes items such as coats, jumpers, t-shirts and shoes. Please check if your child has forgotten or lost something, and insist that they take responsibility for looking after their things.  From the outset we expect children to become as independent as possible, to look after both the school’s belongings and their own, and to put things away in the proper place.