In addition to standard funding for all pupils, the school receive some additional funds from the Department for Education to meet specific strategic objectives set by the government.
Pupil Premium Grant Funding
Publicly-funded schools in England get extra funding from the government to help them improve the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
– generally face extra challenges in reaching their potential at school
– often do not perform as well as their peers
The pupil premium grant is designed to allow schools to help disadvantaged pupils by improving attainment by tackling barriers to learning and offering support in the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across the following 3 areas: teaching, academic support and wider approaches but with the greatest focus on the quality of teaching through investing in learning and development for teachers.
At Red Rose Primary School we ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to disadvantaged groups, ensuring that the needs of such pupils are adequately assessed and addressed. All of our work through Pupil Premium will be aimed at accelerating progress and overcoming barriers to learning so that these pupils achieve similar outcomes to their peers to diminish the difference between Pupil Premium and non Pupil Premium pupils. Each year we publish a report of our plans for using this money and it’s impact.
DfE 2023-24 PP Strategy. Website
Reviewed PP Strategy 2022/23
Reviewed PP Strategy – 2021/22
2020-2021 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.docx
Recovery Catch up Spend
For the 2020-21 academic year only, schools were provided with some additional funding to support the ‘catch up’ of progress for pupils affected by the closures during 2020. The strategy sets out how we used this funding at Red Rose Primary School.
Recovery Catch Up Spend 2020-21
Sports Premium
Part of the school’s budget is ring-fenced for spending on sport in school.
This is intended to work towards the government’s 5 key targets of:
- the engagement of all pupils in at least 30 minutes of in-school activity each day (to supplement 30 minutes of activity outside of school)
- raising the profile of sport and PE across the school
- increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of teachers when teaching PE
- offering a broader range of sporting activities to pupils
- increasing participation in competitive sport
The Sports Premium Strategy sets out our plans for using the sports premium at Red Rose Primary School, and is reviewed each year.
Red Rose Sports Premium Statement 2023-24
Red Rose Sports Premium Statement 2022-23
Red Rose Sports Premium 21-22
Red Rose Sports Premium Statement 2020-21
Swimming Data
Percentage of pupils who can ... | ... swim 25m unaided | ... perform a range of recognised strokes | ... perform a safe self rescue |
2018-2019 | 89% | 89% | 63% |
2019-2020 | 92% | 87% | 84% |
2020 - 2021 | 92% | 76% | 61% |
2021-2022 | 92% | 79% | 79% |
2022-2023 | 92% | 92% | 92% |
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