Aim High Be Proud

Full Head Teachers Message
On behalf of the children, staff and governing body, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Red Rose Primary School, Chester-le-Street.
Our school motto is ‘Aim High, Be Proud’ and we have a long and established reputation of providing a rich and stimulating education for our pupils. Our values of Respect – Excellence – Determination – Responsibility – Opportunity – Support for Others – Equality. Everything we do aims to encapsulate those aims and values.
In addition to providing high quality education in a safe and secure environment, our pupils are encouraged to achieve the highest outcomes but are equally well rounded, global citizens who, after leaving our school, are equipped with the skills set to embrace their next steps and achieve their true potential.
In addition to providing high quality education in a safe and secure environment, our pupils are encouraged to achieve the highest outcomes but are equally well rounded, global citizens who, after leaving our school, are equipped with the skills set to embrace their next steps and achieve their true potential.
Our ethos and vision continues to be one of nurture, warmth and happiness: traditional yet innovative. My staff and I recognise and value educational achievement right across the spectrum including children’s achievements within the arts, sport, music, citizenship and community.
We are the heartbeat of our local community and I am always very proud to show visitors around to share our passion for education and the children and community we serve.
Our experienced staff are highly skilled, providing stimulating and challenging learning opportunities which motivate our pupils to develop their creativity and thinking skills. Our core values underpin everything we do and form the basis of our school and the foundations upon which we strive to develop in every child.
I look forward to welcoming you and your family into our school community where we promise to celebrate your child’s individuality and help them to ‘Aim High, Be Proud’.
Mrs Angela Brinton
About Red Rose Primary School

Values and Ethos

Key Information

Meet the Staff