
Tel: 0191 388 6251 | Email: redrose@durhamlearning.net | Contact Us

School Office

Our School Office Staff are here to help you. You can find details of how to contact the office by clicking here.

However, here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.

Our School Day

Here is a breakdown of our school day:

PhaseMorning SessionAfternoon Session
EYFS8:45am - 11:30am12:30pm - 3:15pm
Key Stage 18:45am - 11:45am12:45pm - 3:15pm
Key Stage 28:45am - 12:15pm1:00pm - 3:15pm

Total weekly time: 32.5 hours

ParentMail App

We have a communication app – ParentMail which we use to send messages out to parents. Please contact the office for more details about how to set up the ParentMail app.

Information and help about Parent Mail can also be found on the Parent Mail web page.

 Downloadable Forms

We will be adding a list of our forms here shortly.

Adobe Reader
You may need a product like Adobe Reader (free download) to view our PDF documents on our website.