We are delighted to announce the revival of the Red Rose Parent Teacher’s association. Over the course of the year, we will be organising a variety of fun events for you and the children to take part in.
Our main aim is to make it easier for parents and carers to connect and contribute in whatever way you can to the school life and to help teachers create the best possible environment for our children to learn in.
In our to add whatever we can to the school’s resources, we will also be raising funds for events, facilities and equipment for the benefit of all the children at Red Rose.
If you can help, in any small way, towards volunteering for events, donating to sales or by giving us the benefit of your experience on specialist subjects, you will make a huge difference to what we as a community of parents can achieve for the school during the year. No regular commitment is necessary – whatever time you can give will be gratefully received.
Christmas Shopping Evening – November 28th 2019
PTA Newsletters
PTA Fundraising Goals for 2018
- New dictionaries for each classroom to replace the current stock.
- A secure bike and scooter shed on school premises to help make it easier for pupils to get to school in healthy ways.
- We would like to install a ‘mile a day’ all-weather track around the sports field. This will enable all children to take part in the ‘Daily Mile’ which will help the school meet the recommendations for daily physical activity outlined by the Government.
One of the aims of the PTA is to raise further fund for the school. One great way to support this is through a scheme called Easy Fundraising. Any online shopping can be done through the site, linking to the normal online sites, and a donation to the school is made for every purchase. For more details please follow the link to Easyfundraising.
Aviva Community Fund
We currently have a bid into the Aviva Community Fund to support our aim of having a bike shed at school. Please find more details about our bid by visiting the Aviva Community Fund site.
Everyone is welcome
If anyone can spare some time to either volunteer at any of the children’s activities this term or even come in to listen to pupils reading during the school day please contact the school.