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Being alert and protecting our young people.

There are often, nationally, some scary videos that can “trend” at times which can be traumatic to some children. The risks of children accidentally seeing these videos can be reduced by ensuring devices have appropriate parental controls set up. The Internet Matters website provides excellent advice on how to do this.

Secondly, and probably more importantly, it is important that your child can talk to a trusted adult if something scary has happened so that they are reassured. The video from CEOP works well with younger children which we have used at school may be useful to reinforce key messages. If you have concerns then please contact us at school. A reminder that there is a contact buton on our Online Safety page.

As we approach the Easter break, it is an important time to remind ourselves of the importance of being around our young people when they are accessing online materials. This can also be a great help if they do inadvertenly access inappropriate content.