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Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 8th February is Safer Internet Day. We are looking at Onling gaming this year and how to stay safe. Don’t meet anyone that you just have met during online games. Don’t share personal information. Treat people with respect. If anything worries you,...

Age Ratings Explained.

Age ratings are used across many different types of online content and platforms, from films and TV shows, to social media, to games. This is an area that might seem like a simple way for parents and carers to know what’s safe and appropriate for their child is...

Digital Parenting – some up to date advice.

In this fast-changing digital world it is hard to keep up with how best to support our young people to keep safe whilst online. There’s a lot of advice about online safety out there, some of it contradictory and much of it is years out-of-date. The internet is now a...