Red Rose Primary School Curriculum
At Red Rose Primary School, our curriculum is based on the Early Years 2023 Framework for Reception and the National Curriculum 2014 for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We use these statutory documents as the basis for our endpoints at each phase of school. As an inclusive school, our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them not only for today, but prepares them for tomorrow. We are continuously developing a rich, exciting, and well-structured curriculum and support this with high-quality first teaching. We want our pupils to have the building blocks and self-belief to achieve their full potential and to be successful throughout their primary school years and into further education and adult life. We further enhance pupils’ learning and experiences during their time with us by providing a wide range of enrichment opportunities including visitors into school, educational visits, residentials, creative experiences and extra-curricular activities. We draw on the professional expertise from within our own organisation and from the wider community. These themes are central to our motto of ‘Aim High Be Proud’
The long term overview can be seen on our curriculum maps below.
Curriculum Overviews for each phase of our school.
Key Stage 1 Curriculum Overview
Lower Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview
Upper Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview
Should you wish to find out more information about our Red Rose curriculum please contact the school office.
How the curriulum is designed for our learners.
At Red Rose Primary School the curriculum is designed to give all learners the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced in order to:
- recognise and build upon children’s prior learning,
- provide first-hand learning experiences,
- promote children’s health and well being,
- allow children to develop their interpersonal skills and creativity,
- build resilience,
- become critical thinkers and recognise their role as a global citizen.
Our teaching follows a mastery approach whereby our children continue to build on previous knowledge to deepen their understanding. Our children have multiple opportunities to return to content, over time, in order to gain a growing developmental understanding.
Every child is a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning and believe that childhood should be happy, investigative and enquiring times in our childhood where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge. We use growth mindset to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.
Children leave Red Rose Primary School with a sense of belonging to a tight-knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.
Red Rose Primary school engages all learning styles, using a variety of resources. We have subject leaders who oversee, develop, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their subject within the school across all year groups and phases. Staff are committed to delivering high-quality learning experiences throughout the curriculum. Lessons are based on the use of clear, focused learning intentions and success criteria. Staff use effective questioning techniques to develop higher-order thinking skills and check learners’ understanding systematically, quickly identifying misconceptions and providing clear, direct feedback. In lessons, we provide opportunities for study but we strive to provide as many recall and application activities as possible to support the retention of knowledge and understanding. Our learning environments allow the learner to focus on learning and promote an enjoyment of reading.