Our School Council is made up of representatives from each of the classes. These representatives are chosen through an election every couple of years. The current members are: Harry, Kaitlyn, William, Joshua, Alice, Benjamin, Benjamin, Katie, Arabella, Charlie, Harry, Eva, Abigail.
The School Council regularly meets to discuss issues that have been brought up during ‘Class Council’ meetings. Things that we have discussed over the years have included:
- Summer Fair
- Charity Fund Raising
- Awareness of Downs’ Syndrome
- St Cuthbert’s Hopsice
- Macmilian Coffee morning
- Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal
- Poppy Appeal
- Changing the school logo
- Introducing and developing the Golden Table – to reward good behaviour during lunchtime
- Comic Relief Talent Show
- World book day, including a character fashion show
The current things that we are still discussing are
- Re introducing the Golden Table, after a pause due to COVID restrictions.
- Purchased posts for use as goals on the field.
- Introduced clear guidance for playing football at break and lunch time.
- Supported Red Nose Day.
- Looking to support Rota-kids