CHAIR: Mrs Julie Lumley
Terms of Reference:
- To agree during Autumn Term the objectives of the governing body and Senior Leadership Team for the upcoming school year, and present a plan to the full governing body.
- To monitor throughout the year whether the SLT and governing body are effectively meeting their objectives in setting the vision and strategic direction for the school.
- To agree during Autumn Term the programme of work and calendar of meetings for the governing body and its committees for the school year, based on known cycles of School Improvement and SEF planning, financial management, staffing issues, performance management, and present to the full governing body for approval.
- To monitor the progress of work being undertaken by committees and individuals.
- To review arrangements for governors’ monitoring visits to school.
- To review arrangements for Ofsted and ensure that all statutory requirements are met.
- To oversee any exceptional arrangements that may arise that are not covered by current committees.
- To be available and respond to matters of particularly difficulty, sensitivity or emergency and offer advice and support.
- To undertake any other tasks delegated to them by the full governing body.