Our maths curriculum follows the statutory National Curriculum for Maths.
At Red Rose Primary School we believe Maths is a beautiful and awe-inspiring subject which has the ability to excite, empower and amaze. We want all children to think deeply about Maths, use their numerical skills to problem solve, develop conceptual understanding and communicate their ideas confidently.
At Red Rose Primary School, we want our children to:
become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
have a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics, including formal written methods and have the ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual;
have a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts and be flexible and resourceful problem solvers.
These aims will be delivered by:
Whole class – teaching all children in class, together, most of the time.
Covering topics in detail over time – ‘step by step approach’ Spending longer on one idea – space and time to experience and apply.
CPA approach all year groups – (concrete, pictorial, abstract.)
Questions to probe understanding.
Use of misconceptions to further understanding of key concepts.
Precise mathematical language – blue vocabulary and use of ‘stem sentences’ to help pupils to communicate their reasoning and thinking effectively.
Teachers help students make, refine, and explore conjectures on the basis of evidence and use a variety of reasoning and proof techniques to confirm or disprove those conjectures.
Pupils engage fully as learners who reason and seek to make connections.
Development of pupil resilience and ‘can do’ attitude.
At Red Rose Primary School, we teach maths using a mastery approach. Our classes are grouped in year groups and based on the child’s individual need. Basic maths skills and arithmetic form part of our daily practice across the school. This work is carried out as quick rapid recall at the beginning of each maths lesson. Maths lessons are designed to form a sequence of learning that builds upon prior knowledge, recaps and revisits previously taught concepts and continues to develop crucial skills. We follow the National Curriculum and support our mastery approach with guidance from the White Rose Maths Hub and other mastery resources in our teaching.
It is important for children to develop their fluency skills through different variation and representations, thus allowing them to problem solve and reason with their thinking. Children are exposed to real life maths problems which are incorporated into each unit of work and through our character education programme Commando Jo and also Newcastle United Foundation Real Life Maths Skills Programme. Our children problem solve using NRICH problems and challenges from NCETM to develop their reasoning and problem solving skills, helping to develop resilience with challenges.
At the beginning of each maths lesson, children revisit their previous learning through a ‘review’ session. This is to complete any corrections or to further develop mathematical practice through challenges or problem solving exercises. Lessons are then taught in an episodic style to continually build on prior knowledge. Use of questioning and live marking, with a focus on verbal feedback, are carried out during the lesson to have maximum impact on children. At the end of each term, children are summatively assessed using a mixture of teacher assessment based on end of unit quizzes, formal arithmetic and problem solving papers and their daily work.