Our computing curriculum follows the statutory National Curriculum for Computing.
At Red Rose Primary School we provide pupils with a computing curriculum that:
- Gives increasing competence in coding for a variety of first hand practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects. Building each year on skills that have been learned in previous years.
- Develops their ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity, as a global citizen.
- Gives an understanding of the connected nature of devices.
- Improves their ability to communicate ideas effectively and creatively by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum.
- Develop their ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively.
- Develops pupils ability to critically evaluate information found through internet searches.
Computing will be delivered through:
- Curriculum time to deliver the collect and coding sections of the computing curriculum.
- The Communicate aspects will be delivered through computing time and also in the wider PSHE curriculum.
- There will also be enrichment activities such as computing clubs, work with our partner secondary schools and other external groups to offer such enrichment activities
As a result of the computing curriculum, our pupils will be able to
- Use online resources and searches in a safe way.
- Keep themselves safe when using social media as they grow older
- Recognise the opportunities and dangers of being online
- Produce increasing complex programming of online objects, sprites, and physical objects, robotics.
- Use computing to produce, store, edit and share successfully a range of digital products including word-processed pieces, presentations, photographic images, video productions and audio items.