Age ratings are used across many different types of online content and platforms, from films and TV shows, to social media, to games. This is an area that might seem like a simple way for parents and carers to know what’s safe and appropriate for their child is actually much more complex.
However, with different age ratings applied in different places, and the ratings not always taking into account everything a parent might want to consider when deciding whether a platform or piece of content is suitable for their child, there’s a lot for parents to understand. Parent Zone has produced a guide to Age Ratings which will help you and your children to work with understand how you, and they, can use age ratings to make the right decisions.
The guide covers why age ratings can vary, the different rating systems used, some of the issues to consider when making decisions about content and platforms that aren’t covered in age ratings – and how parents and carers can approach conversations about age appropriateness in an informed way.